General information

The server for API is located at API users can interact with the server via the HTTP and HTTPS protocols. The API is asynchronous and supports two types of HTTP(S) requests:

  • POST requests for adding a task to the queue sent to (i.e. add task requests),
  • GET requests for getting a result sent to (i.e. get result requests).

Add task request format

An add task request is a queued POST request with the following parameters (parameters format is given below in examples):

public key obtained at
a private key obtained at
a request signature that can be generated as follows:
SIGN_DATA = hash_hmac('SHA1', DATA, KEY),
where DATA is a set of source images URLs and image processing methods with their parameters in XML format.
Note: hash_hmac is the HMAC function in the PHP language (find equivalents for other programming languages in this Wikipedia article:

Here is a simple example of an add task request in UNIX:

  curl -d 'app_id=APP_ID' -d 'sign_data=SIGN_DATA' -d 'data=DATA '

XML structure of DATA

The XML structure of the DATA parameter in minimal form is as follows:


In this example the source image from the <image_url> tag is processed by the image processing method indicated in the <name> tag. Both image URL and method name are type of string.

The XML structure of the DATA parameter in the fullest possible form is as follows:

  <image_url order=”1” rect=”(x_left,y_top,x_right,y_bottom)” ... >string</image_url>
  <image_url order=”2” ...>string</image_url>
  <image_url order=”3” ...>string</image_url>
  <image_url order=”k” ...>string</image_url>
    <method order=”1”>
    <method order=”2”>
    <method order=”n”>

    url=http://… ;tl=(0.0,0.0);br=(0.1,0.1)
  • string - the parameter should be type of string
  • int_val - the parameter should be type of positive integer
  • bool_val - the parameter should be type of boolean (i.e. true or false)
  • format - image format, for example "jpg", "png", "gif", "bmp".

DATA tags description


The image_url tag should contain a link (URL) to a source image in .jpg, .jpeg, .bmp, .png, .gif format or to a .zip package with source images. This tag has the following attributes:

Attribute Description

Order number of an input image.

Each method takes a certain number of input images. Most methods take one input image, but some methods take multiple input images and the resulting image depends on their order. Any add task request can return only one resulting image.

Formatted as:


where x is the positive integer.

The order="1" attribute can be skipped for <method> and <image_url> tags if only one method/image is used.

Example of order attribute usage:

<image_url order="3"></image_url>

Rectangular area that is cropped from the source image.

If this attribute is set, the source image from <image_url> tag would be first cropped to the specified rectangle and then processed.

Formatted as:


To calculate the parameters of rect attribute put the upper left corner of the source image at the origin of an XY-coordinate system with one unit length equal to one pixel. Then find the coordinates of the rectangular area you want to crop from the source image:

  • x_left - left side of a rectangle on the X (horizontal) axis;
  • y_top - upper side of a rectangle on the Y (vertical) axis;
  • x_right - right side of a rectangle on the X (horizontal) axis;
  • y_bottom - lower side of a rectangle on the Y (vertical) axis.

x_left, y_top, x_right, y_bottom are nonnegative integers.

Example of rect attribute usage:

<image_url rect="(50,70,450,670)"></image_url>

Rotation of the source image by the specified angle.

Formatted as:


where x.xx is the angle of rotation (a floating point number in the interval [0°..360°]).

A source image is rotated clockwise around its centre point. The resulting image is cropped to maximum size without showing the background. The aspect ratio of a source image is preserved (see the picture below, the resulting image is colored blue).

Example of rotation attribute usage:

<image_url rotation=”15”></image_url>

Type of source image.

By default there is no need to set this attribute and if it is not set then image_url tag should contain a URL to the image file (image files can be of .jpg, .jpeg, .bmp, .png, or .gif format).

The only case when you need to set this attribute is when you input a .zip package containing source images. Then it is formatted as: type="zip". This .zip package can contain images in .jpg, .jpeg, .bmp, .png and .gif format.

When you input multiple images for some method, transmitting a .zip package helps you to save the time.

Example of type attribute usage:

<image_url type="zip"></image_url>

Excluding specified images from a .zip package with source images.

This attribute is used only with the type="zip" attribute, i.e. when you input a .zip package consisting of multiple source images.

Formatted as:

disabled = "x1,x2,x3,..."

where x1,x2,x3,... are the index numbers of images from a .zip package. Images in a .zip package are sorted by their names in alphabetical order and then indexed starting from 1. You should specify the indexes of images you want to exclude considering this sorting.

This attribute is helpful when you use the same .zip package for several add task requests.


You've made a .zip package containing four images: cherry.jpg, apple.jpg, pear.jpg, peach.jpg.

Let's sort images by their names in alphabetical order and index them starting from 1:

1) apple.jpg
2) cherry.jpg
3) peach.jpg
4) pear.jpg

Now, let's exclude 'apple.jpg' and 'peach.jpg' images. Then the disabled attribute should look as follows:


To avoid confusion, we recommend that you use only latin letters in images names.

Example of disabled attribute usage:

<image_url type=”zip” disabled="1,3"></image_url>

Examples of image_url tag usage

Example 1:

The simplest case, when only one image is transferred by its URL.


Example 2:

Transferring five images. Cropping a rectangular area (0,0,400,600) from the second image.

<image_url order="1"></image_url>
<image_url order="2" rect="(0,0,400,600)" ></image_url>
<image_url order="3"></image_url>
<image_url order="4"></image_url>
<image_url order="5"></image_url>

Example 3:

Transferring one image. Cropping a rectangular area (0,0,400,600) and rotating the image by 45 degrees clockwise. Cropping is done before rotating.

<image_url rect="(0,0,400,600)" rotation="45"></image_url>

Example 4:

Transferring a .zip package. Images with indexes 2 and 4 are excluded.

<image_url type="zip" disabled="2,4"></image_url>


methods_list tag specifies the sequence of image processing methods (filters) and their parameters in the following format:

<method order="n">


  • method_name – method name;
  • params_string – the string containing method parameters (if the string is absent, the default values are used). params_string has the following format:
param1=value1; param2=value2; ...; paramN=valueN

where param1 is parameter name, value1 is parameter value;

If a method has no parameters, the <params> tag can be skipped.

The full list of methods and their parameters.

The sequence of methods in an add task request looks as follows:

  <method order="1">
  <method order="n">

where order is an index number of a method in a sequence (indexes start from 1). Methods are applied to image(s) according to the order attribute value.

Examples of method_list tag usage

Example 1:

A simple method called 'desaturation' converts image into black and white. This method has no parameters, so the <params> tag can be skipped. In this example we will use only one method, so the order attribute can also be skipped.


Example 2:

The sequence of three methods ('desaturation', 'caricature', 'split_toning'). The methods are applied according to the order attribute value (first 'desaturation', then 'split_toning', finally 'caricature').

  <method order="1">
  <method order="3">
  <method order="2">

other DATA tags

Tag Default value Description
lang en

The language of the answer to add task request.

The value of this tag is a two-letter language identifier from ISO 639-1 (

Available languages:

  • de (German),
  • en (English),
  • es (Spanish),
  • fr (French),
  • ru (Russian),
  • zh (Chinese).

This tag specifies the language of error messages and the language of the pre-defined text in some templates that use the 'collage' method.

Example of lang tag usage:


jpg for static

gif for animated

File format of the resulting image.

Supported file formats:

  • for static (non-animated) resulting images: jpg, png, bmp, gif
  • for animated resulting images: gif, swf

Example of result_format tag usage:

result_size the size of the source image(s)

Size of the resulting image.

Defines the length of the longest side of a resulting image in pixels. Can only be less or equal to the length of the longest side of a source image.

This tag can also be set in the WIDTHxHEIGHT format, where WIDTH and HEIGHT are numeric bounds for the corresponding image dimension (one of them can be missed). In all cases the aspect ratio remains unchanged.

Examples of result_size tag usage:

1) limit on the maximum dimension


2) limit on both width and height; in fact, only one limit will be used as the aspect ratio remains unchanged


3) limit on the width


4) limit on the height

result_quality 90

Quality of the resulting image.

The tag is only valid for resulting images in .jpg format. It defines the quality of resulting .jpg image on a scale of 0-100. It defines the quality of a resulting .jpg image on a scale of 0-100. If this tag is skipped, the original quality of a source image is preserved by default.

Example of result_format tag usage:

thumb_ini1_size -

Size of the first thumbnail of the source image. API allows to generate 2 thumbnails of the source image.

This tag defines the length of the longest side of the first thumbnail in pixels. Its value can only be less or equal to the width (height) of the source image.

Like the result_size tag, it supports WIDTHxHEIGHT format.

This thumbnail image (in .jpg format) returns in response to an add task request.

Example of thumb_ini1_size tag usage:

thumb_ini1_quality result_quality

Quality of the first thumbnail of the source image.

This tag is similar to the result_quality tag.

Example of thumb_ini1_quality tag usage:

thumb_ini2_size -

Size of the second thumbnail of the source image.

This tag defines the length of the longest side of the second thumbnail in pixels and is similar to the thumb_ini1_size tag. Its value can only be less or equal to the width (height) of the source image.

Like the result_size tag, it supports WIDTHxHEIGHT format.

This thumbnail image (in .jpg format) returns in response to an add task request.

Example of thumb_ini2_size tag usage:

thumb_ini2_quality result_quality

Quality of the second thumbnail of the source image.

This tag is similar to the result_quality tag.

Example of thumb_ini2_quality tag usage:

thumb_format jpg

File format of the resulting image thumbnails (first and second thumbnails).

This tag is only valid for static (non-animated) thumbnail images. Supported file formats: jpg, png, bmp, gif.

Example of thumb_format tag usage:

thumb1_size -

Size of the first thumbnail of the resulting image.

This tag defines the length of the longest side of the first thumbnail in pixels and is similar to the result_size tag.

Its value can only bу less or equal to the value of result_size tag.

Like the result_size tag, it supports WIDTHxHEIGHT format.

Example of thumb1_size tag usage:

thumb1_quality result_quality

Quality of the first thumbnail of the resulting image.

This tag is similar to the result_quality tag.

Example of thumb1_quality tag usage:

thumb2_size -

Size of the second thumbnail of the resulting image.

This tag defines the length of the longest side of the second thumbnail in pixels and is similar to the result_size tag.

Its value can only bу less or equal to the value of result_size tag.

Like the result_size tag, it supports WIDTHxHEIGHT format.

Example of thumb2_size tag usage:

thumb2_quality result_quality

Quality of the second thumbnail of the resulting image.

This tag is similar to the result_quality tag.

Example of thumb2_quality tag usage:

animation_frames_count 0

Number of frames in an animated resulting image.

This tag is only valid for animation effects.

Example of animation_frames_count tag usage:

animation_speed_factor 0

Level of resulting image animation slowing down or speeding up.

This tag is only valid for animation effects.

Integer number, whose negative value denotes animation slowing down, and positive value denotes animation speeding up. The value of 10 denotes 2-fold speedup.

Example of animation_speed_factor tag usage:

animation_static_thumbs false

Making static thumbnail for animation effects.

This tag is only valid for animation effects. It defines whether or not to make static (non-animated) thumbnails for animation effects.

Possible values:

  • true
  • false

Example of animation_static_thumbs tag usage:

template_watermark true

Presence of '' watermark.

Possible values:

  • true
  • false

If the value is false, the '' watermark is removed from the resulting image in 'collage' and 'animated_effect' methods.

Example of template_watermark tag usage:


Third-party watermark image.

This tag allows adding a custom watermark image on the resulting image. Custom third-party watermark image should be accessible by an URL.

Formatted as:

url=IMAGE_LINK; tl=(x.xx, x.xx);tr=(x.xx, x.xx);bl=(x.xx, x.xx);br=(x.xx, x.xx);mid=(x.xx, x.xx)

The image specified by url=IMAGE_LINK is inscribed into a specified area.

The inscribing area may be defined by one or two of tl, tr, bl, br or mid points.

The image specified by url=IMAGE_LINK is inscribed into a specified area.

The inscribing area can be defined by one or two of tl, tr, bl, br or mid points.

  • tl – upper left point (top left);
  • tr -  upper right point (top right);
  • bl – lower left point (bottom left);
  • br – lower right point (bottom right);
  • mid – middle point.

To calculate these points, put the upper left corner of the source image at the origin of an XY-coordinate system. The coordinates of the points (x.xx) are defined with a value from 0.00 to 1.00 and are measured in the parts of corresponding resulting image side size.

In case only one point is specified, the size of the watermark image does not change.

If two points are specified, the watermark image is resized according to a specified rectangle. For example, you can set only the upper left (tl) and lower right (br) points.

Example of watermark tag usage:

<watermark>url=; tl=(0.8, 0.85);br=(0.9, 0.95)</watermark>

The illustration below shows all images that can be produced from a source image:

  • thumb_ini1
  • thumb_ini2
  • resulting image
  • thumb1
  • thumb2

Small thumbnails are useful when you need to show small previews on your website / in an app.

Examples of other DATA tags usage

Examples below show only tags usage, they are not full add task requests.

Example 1:

Here we generate one thumbnail of the source image, get the resulting image in .png format and get two thumbnails of the resulting image. The result_quality tag is not set, because the resulting image is in .png format (not .jpg).


Example 2:

In this case, we set:

  • the width and the height of the resulting image (width is less or equal to 700 px, height is less or equal to 600 px);
  • the width of the first thumbnail of the source image (it is less or equal to 300 px);
  • the height of the first thumbnail of the resulting image (it is less or equal to 350 px).

Example 3:

Here we use the ‘animated_waterflow’ animation method, get the resulting image in .gif format, set the number of frames and speed factor and get a static thumbnail. Also, we add a custom watermark to the resulting image.

<watermark>url=; tl=(0.9, 0.95);br=(1.0, 1.0)</watermark>
  <method order="1">


Examples of full add task requests

Example 1:

In this case, we edit the source image performing the following steps:

  • denoising;
  • shadow/highlight adjustment;
  • color temperature correction.

We get the resulting image in .png format (600 pixels limit for the longest side). We also get one thumbnail of the source image and two thumbnails of the resulting image.

Request examples


In this case, we edit the source image performing the following steps:

  • denoising;
  • shadow/highlight adjustment;
  • color temperature correction.

We get the resulting image in .png format (600 pixels limit for the longest side). We also get one thumbnail of the source image and two thumbnails of the resulting image.


<method order="1">
<method order="2">
 <method order="3">




  • Before

  • After

  • Thumb_ini1

  • Thumb1

  • Thumb2

Here we insert two source images into the template and add custom text to the resulting image (adding custom text is one of ‘collage’ method parameters). “U2FtcGxlIHRleHQ=” is a base64-encoded “Sample text” string.
We crop the face area from the source images and also rotate the second source image by 5 degrees.
We also add a '' watermark to the resulting image.

<image_url order="1" rect="(111,41,648,718)" ></image_url>
<image_url order="2"  rect="(134,10,597,385)"  rotation=”5”></image_url>
<method order="1">
   <params>template_name=Summer Love;text=U2FtcGxlIHRleHQ=
  • Before

  • Before

  • After

Here we transfer a .zip package with source photos for inserting them into the template. This template allows multiple images to be uploaded, that’s why we use a package. Experiment with the disabled attribute to better understand how it works.

<image_url type="zip" disabled="1"></image_url>
<method order="1">
   <params>template_name=Post Stamps</params>
  • After

Here we crop a rectangular area containing the face from the source photo and apply the 'blinking' animated effect to it. We also set the number of frames and animation speed.

  • Before

  • After