1. mosaic

Basic mosaic effect.


Name Type Minimum value Maximum value Default value Description
tile_type int 0 2 2 Tile type. If the value is 0, the tiles are four-sided. If the value is 1, the tiles are hexagonal. If the value is 2, the tiles are octagonal.
tile_size_koef float 0.25 4 0.7 The relative size of the tiles
tile_height float 2 20 5 Tile "height". The more is this value, the more relief (3D-like) the tiles look.
tile_spacing_koef float 0.25 4 1 Thickness of spacing lines (lines between the adjacent tiles).
tile_neatness float 0.1 1 0.85 The regularity of the mosaics pattern. If the value is close to 0, the tile form is close to random. If the value is close to 1, the tile form is close to preset.
antialiasing bool     TRUE The value determines whether tiles edges will be antialiased.
color_averaging bool     TRUE Is this value is true, a tile will be filled with average color. Is this value is false, the original pixels of the image will remain intact inside each tile.
tile_surface bool     FALSE The value determines whether noise texture will be added to mosaic tiles.


Example 1.1
    <method order="1">
<result_format>png</result_format> <result_size>600</result_size> </image_process_call>
Example 1.2
    <method order="1">
<result_format>png</result_format> <result_size>600</result_size> </image_process_call>

2. matrix

Matrix effect (inspired by The Matrix movie). The filter also has an animated version, see <имя>.


Name Type Minimum value Maximum value Default value Description
symbol_type int 0 2 1 The type of symbols in the matrix. 0 - squares; 1 - numbers (0 and 1); 2 - hieroglyphs.
symbol_size int 0   0 This value determines symbols size. If the value is 0, symbol size is determined automatically. If the value is other than 0, symbol size is fixed and is determined by this value.
columns_number int 0   0 This value determines the number of symbols in a line. If the value is 0, the number of symbols is determined automatically. (If the symbol_size value is specified, the columns_number value is ignored).


Example 2.1
    <method order="1">
<result_format>png</result_format> <result_size>600</result_size> </image_process_call>
Example 2.2
    <method order="1">
<result_format>png</result_format> <result_size>600</result_size> </image_process_call>

3. mosaic_circular

This filter turns a photo into a mosaic made of small circles.


Name Type Minimum value Maximum value Default value Description
edge_alg int 0 1 0 Edge detection algorithm. 0 - Canny (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canny_edge_detector). 1 - DOG (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Difference_of_Gaussians). The DOG algorithm finds more details in an image.
size_koef float 0.1 10 1 Mosaic circles enlargement ratio. The more is the value, the larger are the circles. Also, the more is the value, the less circles there will be in the resulting mosaic.


    <method order="1">
<result_format>png</result_format> <result_size>600</result_size> </image_process_call>

4. pixelation

Pixelation effect.


Name Type Minimum value Maximum value Default value Description
cell_width int 1   8 Horizontal width of a cell in pixels.
cell_height int 1   8 Vertical width of a cell in pixels.
palette_size int 0   0 Сolor palette size (the maximum number of colors in a resulting image). If this value is 0, color quantization is not performed, thus the number of colors is not limited.


Example 5.1
    <method order="1">
<result_format>png</result_format> <result_size>600</result_size> </image_process_call>
Example 5.2
    <method order="1">
<result_format>png</result_format> <result_size>600</result_size> </image_process_call>

5. text

ASCII text effect. This filter transforms a photo into an image made of symbols and letters.


Name Type Minimum value Maximum value Default value Description
font_size int 5 24 12 Font size. Changing this value affects the font size and the size of the image (it changes proportionally). This value does not affect the number of symbols and what kind of symbols are used.
bold bool     TRUE If the value is true, the symbols are in bold type.
size_x int 1 500 70 Desired number of symbols in a line. The desired number of symbols may differ from the actual number of symbols if preserve_aspect=true and the actual image proportions are not the same as those specified by the size_x and size_y numbers.
size_y int 1 500 70 Desired number of symbols in a column. The desired number of symbols may differ from the actual number of symbols if preserve_aspect=true and the actual image proportions are not the same as those specified by the size_x and size_y numbers.
preserve_aspect bool     TRUE If the value is true, image proportions will be maintained. If the value is false, the image will be stretched or shrunk depending on the size_x and size_y values.
is_colour bool     FALSE If the value is true, the symbols are of the same color as the corresponding areas in the image. If the value is false, the symbols are black.
is_inverted bool     FALSE This value determines whether the background should be black. If is_inverted=false, the background is white, and the symbols are either black or colored (depending on the is_colour value). If is_inverted=true, the background is black. In this case the symbols are white (if is_colour=false) or colored (if is_colour=true).


Example 6.1
    <method order="1">
<result_format>png</result_format> <result_size>600</result_size> </image_process_call>
Example 6.2
    <method order="1">
<result_format>png</result_format> <result_size>600</result_size> </image_process_call>